Open San Diego National Day of Civic Hacking

Open San Diego’s activity for NDoCH will be anchored around a day of presentations and hands-on participation for all levels of experience. This is the fourth year of National Day. In years prior, government representatives have made appearances across the country. These have included everyone from top-ranking White House Officials, to Governors, Mayors and Fire Department Chiefs. Our featured speaker this year will be City Councilmember Todd Gloria. We are also honored to have presentations from Brian Genovese, Senior Engineer, Transportation and Storm Water, City of San Diego; and the City’s Chief Data Officer Maksim Percheskiy. Both Mr. Percheskiy and the City’s Performance and Analytics Department, where he works, are the official Municipal Partners of the Open San Diego, Code for America Brigade.

Open San Diego’s National Day will be family-friendly, with engaging activity for programmers, parents and children, urbanists, designers, municipal staff, makers,, students and anyone else interested in presentations and hands-on activities focused on making the lives of San Diegans better.

A “Hack” is a fast solution to a problem. It’s fast to conceive and it’s fast to execute. It may not be the perfect solution, but it’s a step we take that gets us to perfect, faster. Here are the kinds of “hacks” will be pursuing at the different event sites. All activity, including satellite events will take place between 10am and 4pm, although activity at some sites will end earlier than 4pm.

Spread over three four locations and three neighborhoods our hacks for the day will include community asset mapping, coding lessons for youth, neighborhood prototyping, food trucks, community collaboration enabled by DIY radio Broadcasts and community organizing efforts

Open San Diego’s community partners for the event are: - Fab Lab San Diego, - the Placemaking Collective, - the Elementary Institute of Science, - the Jacobs Center, - The Urban Collaborative Project, and the - City of San Diego.

The Sites

Downtown/East Village | Fab Lab San Diego: Prototyping Communities Site | 847 14th St, San Diego, California 92101| 10am – 4pm Hacking the spaces where we live and play for Change:

- Code lessons for kids,
- Neighborhood Prototyping using digital mapping tools to add the elements you think would improve your neighborhood.
- Attendees may also participate in developing new Civic Tech tools from Open San Diego::
    - a crowdsourcing app that helps parents identify the best recreation areas for their kids,
    - a personal notification tool for people interested in local development projects,
    - a civic engagement app aimed at increasing the benefits of street sweeping.

City Heights | Placemaking Collective @ AjA Project : Bicycle Safety and Advocacy Site | 4089 Fairmount Ave, San Diego, California 10am – 1pm Hacking Transportation Infrastructure for Change Participants (technical and non-technical) will collaborate to define the most pressing needs of the bike community and then work together to produce an app that meets those needs, based on this version produced by the Philly Brigade:

Encanto | San Diego Futures Foundation + Elementary Institute of Science: Paving Community Careers Pathways Site | 608 51st St, San Diego California. 10am – 2pm Hacking Education for Change

The Diamond | Jacobs Center + The Urban Collaborative Project: Inter-Community Communications Corner of Market and Imperial (Jun 5) 5pm – 7pm Hacking Community Collaboration for Change